Jester of the Peace

Humor Arts Museum
Uplifting Humorous Art In All Media

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Curated by
Robert Q. Bostick
The Perfect Cartoon
& Humor Point
Photo courtesy of Robert Q. Bostick
Cartoon Curator
Robert Q. Bostick

Robert Bostick is the creator of HumorPoint: the world’s first suite of humor tools to let people quickly find the perfect touch of humor for their presentation and business communication needs.
Cartoons are a magical way to put us into an imaginary scene that can move our feelings from zero to happy in five seconds. Not just any cartoon will do. It has to be a brilliant. What makes a cartoon brilliant? The answer is found in the humor adage, “It’s funny, because it’s true.” Cartoonists are masters at revealing a perfect moment of truth from our crazy, ever-changing lives.
Ten years ago I saw a company CEO give a talk to a large room full of potential investors for his company. Unfortunately his talk was a snoozer. That is until half way through his talk he shared a phenomenal cartoon. A cartoon so remarkably perfect for his message that he brought the house down with laughter. He won everyone’s hearts, minds, and attention from that moment on.
I was instantly inspired to see how many more cartoons were out there on the internet that had the same power to woo and win over an audience in just a few short seconds. It turned out there were thousands. But unless I created a search engine so people could find them no one would ever would. So I built the world’s first curated cartoon search engine. I built it with Adam Cheyer, the creator of Siri. We named our search engine ‘The Perfect Cartoon.’
With this Humor Art’s Musueum Cartoon Showcase you will discover the appeal of smart, exceptionally sweet, feel-good cartoons. All the cartoons will be linked to where the cartoonist posted them for the world to find and delight in them. Notice which cartoons flip your feelings from “Ok to Wonderful” in just a few seconds. Then feel free to share them to make someone else feel just as good as they made you feel. In case you didn’t get the memo making the people feel good on this planet is what life is all about.