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Humor Arts Museum

Uplifting Humorous Art In All Media


1700 To

Humor Arts Museum Reception 

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Karen Gersch Laughing In The Yard_edited

Karen E. Gersch

Collecting art is funny business: visceral, subjective and good for a laugh.


I’m a lover of history in all its unique and telling graces: cave carvings, stone

rubbings, engravings, drawings, paintings, graphic prints... Because aesthetic

skeletons have a way of haunting us, especially through the dance of time, I have gathered here artworks from the past that appeal to my eyes, my heart and my funnybone.


Decades ago*, I had the honor of exhibiting some of my circus paintings in a

museum that encompassed master artworks from the 30’s and 40’s, like Walt

Kuhn, Chaim Gross, Reginald Marsh, Geroge Schreiber... The balance was

exquisite: contemporary artists poised alongside fabled elders, in a diversity of

styles, mediums and visions.


Taking aspects of humor and that which is uplifting, I am delighted to launch the Humor Arts Museum’s first-ever group exhibition with a melange of artists whose work ranges from the 1700’s to modern day creations. The accompanying narratives offer a sense of who the artist was or is, and their impact today. Some pieces are for sale, all are to be enjoyed and certainly, laughed at or smiled upon.

Photo courtesy of Karen E. Gersch

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