Jester of the Peace

Seen Heard Celebrated - 6 Week Online - DAYTIME
Express yourself through art, love and humor in a caring and courageous community. Share the joyful relief of being known. Meets online for 6 weeks.

Time & Location
Feb 20, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EST
Virtual Event - Link Upon Registration
About the event
Be Seen, Heard, Celebrated and Connected. Express yourself through art, love and humor in a caring and courageous community. Each week, we enjoy a shared self-expression experience. Drawing on the live arts, we let ourselves be free to flow, grow and be known. No experience in the arts or performance is necessary, simply a willingness to explore and adore ourselves and each other for doing so.
- We meet virtually for 6 weeks on Tuesdays.
- In between, we connect in an online hub.
- Also on the hub and via email, you'll receive a daily creativity prompt for an action to take, a thought to try out or a way of being to sample.
- Of course, there are suprises along the way, too.
Week 1: Opening Ceremony: Self-Expression Salon
Week 2: Love Letter Lounge (write)
Week 3: Circus of the Heart (reframe)
Week 4: I Vote 4 U (declare)
Week 5: Marry Your Self (honor)
Week 6: Closing Ceremony: Self-Expression Salon
Seen, Heard, Celebrated combines participatory arts expreinces I have led for decades into an uplifting group journey. Welcome to the journey!
This series is designed to further our relationships with ourselves and each other. The tuition is structured to be shared - bring friends and make friends, all in one.
Tuition -- $1111 for 1 person
Early Bird -- $555 each for 2 people
It's an honor and a pleasure to be with you as you meet and greet more of you. Welcome!