Jester of the Peace

The Hidden Languages of Business

Harnessing Humor for Extraordinary Communication
Working life can be overly serious, out of sheer sincerity, and trying hard while worrying about relationships and results. Yet, the hidden languages of business, humor and body language, hold the missing keys to enjoying warm and trusting professional connections - to the very vibe that actually makes business thrive and grow.
Paradoxically, we all know the rules of body language and humor, yet we know them subconsciously. Bringing facility with body language and humor into your conscious awareness and action, you unfurl your natural, positive magnetic confidence and influence, solo and as a team.

"An utter surprise and an utter joy. This session felt like an Ivy League level university course on the Art of Clowning, and left me deeply inspired by how the nuances of clowning, play, and self expression can contribute to powerful and meaningful communication - professional and personal. As an Ivy League grad and a networking trainer, I was completely wowed and I'm now recommending The Hidden Languages of Business to my clients and friends, especially if they think they "know" business communication. Time well spent!"
- Cynthia Greenawalt, Power Partners Initiative
"One of the best experiences at the entire 5-day Creativity conference. Barbara has a unique gift of being able to engage the entire room for the duration of her workshop. What I thought was going to be a lighthearted introduction to comedic principles turned into a practical application of in-depth principles that I have been using to better inspire and create community for entrepreneurs. Through comedy, she illustrates the importance of authentic interpersonal relationships in any human problem-solving endeavor. Her approach to teaching comedy has immediate applications in any professional field a participant may come from.”
- Alexander Zorychta, Coordinator for Student Entrepreneurs
University of Virginia
I attended on a whim. It turned out to be the most valuable seminar of the 4-1/2 days of the Creative Problem Solving Institute conference. Using techniques from this course, my own facilitation has become more dynamic, my use of humor has become more supportive of my goals, and customers have bonded 57% more quickly (not a scientific measurement). I would heartily recommend Ms. Michaels for your next professional development workshop.
- Julien LeFleur, Innovation Consultant
"Wonderfully enlightening. We laughed...we “fake” cried, we laughed some more. She effortlessly fused the world of big gesture, big emotion Clowning with the daily importance of posture, body language and non-verbal communication - reminding us how we look is very much what we’re saying to others."
- Robert Carney, Director, NYC Health and Hospitals